Industry Use Cases of Jenkins

Nivedita Shinde
2 min readSep 8, 2022

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is an open-source automation tool written in Java with plugins built for Continuous Integration purposes. Jenkins is used to build and test your software projects continuously making it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project, and making it easier for users to obtain a fresh build. It also allows you to continuously deliver your software by integrating with a large number of testing and deployment technologies.

With Jenkins, organizations can accelerate the software development process through automation. Jenkins integrates development life-cycle processes of all kinds, including build, document, test, package, stage, deploy, static analysis, and much more.

Features of Jenkins:

🔰Easy Installation

Jenkins is a platform-agnostic, self-contained Java-based program, ready to run with packages for Windows, Mac OS, and Unix-like operating systems.

🔰Easy Configuration

Jenkins is easily set up and configured using its web interface, featuring error checks and a built-in help function.

🔰Available Plugins

There are hundreds of plugins available in the Update Center, integrating with every tool in the CI and CD toolchain.


Jenkins can be extended by means of its plugin architecture, providing nearly endless possibilities for what it can do.

🔰Easy Distribution

Jenkins can easily distribute work across multiple machines for faster builds, tests, and deployments across multiple platforms.

🔰Free Open Source

Jenkins is an open-source resource backed by heavy community support.

As a part of our learning about what is Jenkins, let us next learn about the Jenkins architecture.

Use Cases of Jenkins:

Avoris Travel Uses Jenkins:

➡️Challenge: With over 200 developers relying on the company’s infrastructure, they needed a secure, easily customizable, and powerful CI/CD platform.

➡️Solution: Avoris Travel, a unique travel company seeking to reinvent the travel industry, relies on an equally inventive technology platform fueled by Jenkins.


  1. Reduced build times over 50% with the flexibility of Jenkins plugins.
  2. Increased the speed of delivery with Jenkins Pipelines.
  3. Much less problematic and simple deployments for the team.
  4. Scalable infrastructure supporting 675 agencies and over 2.8 million international consumers.

