Configuring WebApp on AWS

Nivedita Shinde
2 min readSep 8, 2022

Step1: Launch 2 EC2 instances

Step2: Install httpd webserver and start the services

Use command yum install httpd to install httpd webserver

And systemctl start httpd to start the services

Step3: Install MySQL database in both the instances

This can be done by using command yum install php-mysqlnd mysql

Step4: Install PHP

To install PHP, use amazon-linux-extras php7.3[version]

Step5: Install WordPress software

Now, to install WordPress, use the following-


tar -xzf latest.tar.gz

Then copy the wordpress pages into /var/www/html directory

Step6: Create MySQL instance

After providing these database credentials to the WordPress login, we can access the site.

Then will be able to see some content on the next page, copy that and create a file named as wp-config.php

Now run the installation and tadaaaa…Our WordPress site is here,

Step7: Create Load Balancer and attach to both the created instances

Now, copy the DNS name and will be able to see our webpages as below

We can see the output!!

Thank You!…

